Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Goodbye Bumbos!
The lads don't use the Bumbos anymore...they can escape from them in seconds (as you can see at the right of this picture - Chris has already got out of his!
We decided to sell them...
Chris is in the Bumbo, but for mere seconds...then he's up and out!
Yes, here we are again...
We caught the 2 of them in the middle of a carnage-strewn lounge floor. This time it's cotton balls AND kitchen roll - they literally spooled the whole roll off so that they can play with the cardboard tube...
I tell you what, I'm selling all their toys and getting a box of cardboard tubes for them to play with!
Baby in a Box(tm)
Yes, you too can own this cute Baby in a Box(tm). This one is called Alex. He comes with free toys and a starter box of milk (enough to last one to two days). Only $19.95 (+taxes)
This is our second Baby in a Box(tm). This one is called Chris. Chris is supplied with free mallet for hitting things, as well as 1 cardboard tube playtoy. Only $19.95 (+taxes)
Friday, May 04, 2007
Yaay, Giant Lego!!
We bought the lads a massive box of Lego and some trucks to play with at the can imagine the mess in the lounge each night can't you?!
I can tell you this: you DON'T want to step on a piece of that stuff...OUCH!
NooooOoo, Devastation AGAIN!
As you can see, this time it was kitchen roll...
Alex seems to be saying "you sing it, and I'll play along on this"
Chris wants a go...
"Mommm, Alex won't let me have a go in the rocking chair...and LOOK, he's been drinking!!!"
"please, PLEASE don't leave me in here with him and no protection save for these maracas!!!"
Argh! Monster Babies!!!
Alex spots his prey...and gets ready to pounce
Chris creeps stealthily forwards... there's two attacking at once!