Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Christian Looking Cute
And here he proves it...He can get himself back into a sitting position from a crawling one. So he ends up looking all grown up when you catch him sitting in the middle of the floor so proud...
Under the Table
Look at this picture of Christian peeping out from under the coffee table and tell me he's not going to be a mechanic...I can just imagine him "sorry sir, this is going to be expensive"...
Alex is trying to get in on the act, but he's not yet able to crawl as well as Chris.
Christian Hides...
This time, I think he is hiding...probably because he's been up to no good!
Two Little Boys in Brown!
Here, the lads are dressed up all dapper in their brown corduroy outfits...anyone would think they were off to see their girlfriends or something!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Eaten by Davros
Eat Your Greens!
(he has a green bean in his other hand!)
Alex tries veggies too...
Alex won't eat his food, so we are trying a new tactic of letting him feed himself with "finger-foods"
Cable Guys
Here, Chris has found the end of the power lead that I thought was well hidden under the sofa...
Power lead = Play thing
Both lads decided to have a play...
Note: this lead was not plugged into anything...
Chris and more cables...
I really wish I knew what it was that was so fascinating about cables...
Player One...
I have NO idea how Chris managed to get hold of this controller, it was well hidden...or so I thought...
At least I will have someone to play with now!
The Destruction Continues
In a totally separate incident, the TV guide was again removed from the table and subjected to a serious bout of destruction.
Hankies too...
Unfortunately, a box of hankies was on top of the TV guide and fell to the floor, to be raided and distributed around the room...oh, and eaten...
The perpetrators...
Here they are...the "perps"!
More Destruction...
Both the lads decided to help themselves to the program guide that was on the coffee table...they then decided to dismantle it...
Chris, also know as "Mr Guilty"...
Chris has ended up with the majority of the guide on top of him...but he's not solely responsible for the mess, Alex had a hand in that too...
Messy Babies Part 2
Here's Alex, who loves his yoghurt SO much, he decided to wear it...
Chris likes yoghurt too, but not quite as much as his brother...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It's been SNOWING in our lounge!
Maxine came back from the kitchen to find SOMEONE (we don't know WHO!) had helped themselves to the bag of cotton balls and emptied them all over the place...
This is Christian...we think he is the main offender here...
This is Alex, he may be caught holding the bag, but we suspect he took it from Christian after the deed was already about a frame up!
In the BabyDan BabyDen!
At least when things get too bad we can pop the babies in the playpen...
Cool Dudes!
The boys have special Babybanz glasses to keep their eyes protected from the sun.
Messy Little Monsters
Alex and Chris eat their breakfast. They always have a variety of food, most of which you can find on their face and clothes!
Christian is so happy to be messy! He loves his food...
Alex is not so keen on solid food...but anything he can fit in his pudgy little hands is always a bonus...