Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Me and my Tigger...

Chris + Tigger = Sleep
Chris hugs Tigger...on temporary loan from his cousin Jamie...


Twins and Cousins...

Chris and Kelly
This is Chris with his cousin Kelly...and yes, that's her real arm, not a fake one...

Chris...on the bottle!
This is Chris with Jody...assisting him, though it looks like he wants to do the work himself!

Charlie and Alex
Here's Charlie and Alex and a surprise guest...Tigger (he belongs to Jamie)

"No Pictures!"
Chris is with Jody and Kelly, but seems to be indicating he doesn't want any pictures!


Christian and Aunty Georgina

Chris has a look around..
Here's little Chris with Aunty Georgina...he's wide-awake for once and surprise, surprise he's NOT looking to his right!

Hi, it's me, Chris...this here's my Aunty Georgina!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006



"Oh no, not more milk!"
For some reason, Alex has decided to hide his eyes while eating...


Haircut Sir?!

One of the boys gets a haircut!
Okay....I lied...he's actually being winded by Maxine after having his dinner...

He's a mucky-pup, so that's a bib he's wearing, not a barbers cape.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Join the Gym

Alex and Chris Join the Gym
Here the 2 babies are flaked out from exercising for 2 hours on the baby gym


Getting to grips with 2!

Take 2 babies...
Here I am getting to grips with handling 2 babies...later on I'll learn to herd and lasso them I'm sure...

Monday, July 17, 2006


Milky, Milky!

Industrial Strength!!
Yes, this is the industrial strength milking machine Maxine is using to express her milk for the babies...err, I don't have anything else to add about that really...


Alex eats an elephant...

...not a real one mind you...
Alex seemed a little hungry while on the playmat, so opted to eat the elephants trunk...


Chris on the Sofa

Little Chris on the sofa
I wanted to have Chris sitting here with an Xbox controller, or at least the TV remote, but he gave me a furious shake of the fist so I kept well clear!


Pictures of Alex

Alex on the sofa...
Here's little Alex lying on the sofa...he looked a little lost and lonely, but nonetheless, cute!

Alex on the sofa...mark 2
Another one of the little man lying on the sofa!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Cute Baby...

Alex...with Chris in the background
Isn't he just soooo cute?!


Todays Antics

Bouncy Chairs...
After the previous report of Chris's fun in the bouncy chair, I decided to try both the twins in their respective you can see Alex was so impressed he went to sleep...

At Nanny's
We went to Nanny's house for lunch...

More Mat Time
Great fun was had by all when the twins where put on the mat...this time they both stayed awake...and this time, once again, Chris tried to attack his brother - here he's going for the hair...

More Mat Time (2)...
...and here he's kicking him in the shins...

How mean...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Incredible Kindness...

Look at all the cards!
Thanks to everyone who sent us cards and presents, we've literally never seen so many!

I am sure searching for a "twins" card was not easy either...

Thanks again, all these are going in the twins keepsake box for a time when they are old enough to understand what they all mean...


The chair works its magic!

And as hoped...'s Chris proving the chair was worth every penny...


Cue the bouncy chair!

Another fine invention...
Yes, the bouncy rocks as a result of almost any motion, so tends to help get Chris off to sleep when he's decided he wants to let us know how good his lungs are...


Hey, I'm no dummy!

Anything for a quiet life...
We decided (against our better judgement) that Chris probably could be kept a little quieter if he had a here he is...

Last night at 2.30am was when we first introduced the device...he was very unhappy and wouldn't settle (despite being fed and burped!), so we gave him the dummy and it sent him off to the land of nod...

Monday, July 10, 2006


Identical? Non-Identical?

Same clothes...different baby
We tried dressing the twins in some more elaborate clothes today...more because we'd run out of the white sleepsuits that they had been wearing for the previous 2 weeks...

Anyway, we think they looked very cute...all dressed up in jeans and shirts... number 2
(and here's the other one)

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Boys and girls Girls
Seriously outnumbered by the girls today - 4 female cousins, aunties, moms, nannies - the boys nevertheless had a good time...

Friday, July 07, 2006


Little Angels?

Alex & Chris...Little Angels?
For anyone who thinks these two are not a whole barrel of trouble when they get here to see (and hear!) a movie of the noise that happens when you have 2 hungry babies...


Perambulatory Fun...

Preparing for launch...
Maxine captains the Jane Powertwin and readies her for the off...

Babies, Pram and Ducks
We took a stroll down to Wyndley Pool to see the ducks, the babies didn't seem at all interested...

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Baby-Feeding Station

Feeding the Babies...
This is Alex and Chris on the patented "baby-feeding station" can do 2 times babies, either on the boob or by bottle (as demonstrated here by Maxine)...


Thoughtful Poses

Chris practices his best "Thinker" pose...
Here we see may think he's asleep, but in fact he's solving some major problem or other...

Another thoughtful pose...
Okay, I admit, I'm not sure what he's thinking here...

Alex and his ear...
Alex practices picking...on his ear first...the nose comes later...


Baby Clothes...

Chris's Clothes...
We tried to get Chris to wear this nice little set of clothes, but it turns out he's still too small...mind you at the rate he's growing, he'll fit in them in a week or two!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Weekend Fun...

Alex Teases Chris...

We put the lads on a playmat to get some "twin time", but they didn't seem too impressed.

In fact, it looks very much like Alex is teasing his little brother with his "look, I lost my hand" act...

It ends in tears...

As expected with brothers, playtime usually ends in tears...and it did...

Maiden Voyage

Here are the twins all togged-up ready for the maiden voyage in the good ship Jane Powertwin...

(it's an elaborate and expensive pushchair that accepts the car seats when the babies are young, and then has regular seats when they get older)

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